Nexsure® Release (12-17-2021)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Added a Due Date column to the Detail Assigned Transaction View on the client and policy level Transactions screens
- Added a new "Restricted" security right under Transactions -> Disbursements on Security Templates within Setup. Selecting this security right on a template will allow users assigned to that security template to only see Disbursements they have created. The existing "Restricted" security right has been renamed to Modify Posting which allows users with this security right to Override Payee Name and Address for check printing
- Added a new "Restricted" security right under Transactions -> Receive Payments on Security Templates within Setup. Selecting this security right on a template will allow users assigned to that security template to only see Receive Payments they have created
- Changed the behavior of the default Endorsement Effective Date when using the context tool to start an Endorsement. It will now default to today's date unless the policy period of the policy selected does not contain today's date in the term. In that case it will work as it did previously by defaulting to the policy effective date
- Updated the ACORD 137 New York Commercial Auto form to the 2021/03 version
- Added a new eSignature Vendor Audit Report. This report is located under Accounting > Reconciliation > Audit on the Reports User Interface in Nexsure and shows transactional eSignature Vendor transactions
Resolved Issues
- Corrected an issue within Edge/Chrome in which trying to post a Reconciliation for an Inactive Retail Agent would not close the dialog box warning the user the Retail Agent is inactive
- Corrected an issue in which the LOB would not show on the various Transaction Views on the Transactions screens at the client and policy level
- Corrected an issue in which not all the Named Insureds on the client were available on the Insured drop down on Verification Card detail screen when creating Auto ID Cards
- Corrected an issue in which the Update Bill To link on the People Tab on a client was not updating the policy info screen on a policy with the new Bill To info and was leaving the policy in a Pending Edit status
Document Management
- Corrected an issue within Edge/Chrome on the Conditions tab when adding another level to a condition and choosing “Or”. It reverts back to the default of “And”
- Corrected an issue within Edge/Chrome in which new Document Templates were showing in the Document Library
- Corrected an issue within Edge/Chrome in which the Location Number field on the CGL portion of the XDTI Proposal was populating the Hazard Number as opposed to the Location
- Corrected an issue in which the Commercial Flood LOB using the ACORD 140 was showing as Property - Commercial as opposed to Flood- Commercial on the Navigation Tree within a policy
- Corrected an issue in which the Personal Flood LOB using the ACORD 80 was showing as Homeowners as opposed to Flood - Personal on the Navigation Tree within a policy